My First Love.

                                Whoever wrote/ made this, thank you! Everything is true. (c/o Google Images)  

Somebody just made me think about my first love. And I think I'm ready to have a change of heart. :)

Writing has always been my first love. Since elementary up to my high school days, it has always been my dream to become a journalist. But for some weird reason, I kind of lost my passion for this when I was in college. Maybe, I got tired of the countless research papers and articles for my Journ classes back then. But since it has been a long dream, I pursued a writing career after graduation as a web copywriter. Writing 2,000 words or equivalent to four or five articles had been a daily occurrence. The end result... it made me somewhat dislike writing. 

Now, I feel that I'd like to renew my vows for this passion. I am like the wife- who once wanted for a divorce, and writing is my husband. However, I never thought that the separation would only make me miss this first love,  which I once embraced wholeheartedly. I am ready to face it after almost two years of not wanting to do it again and I'm keen on working on certain things to get better each day. 

I hope it's not yet too late. :)